Smilk milk and Colostrum Infant, baby, toddler, child milk powder and products based on colostrum by Milk Powders Company

Smilk milk

Smilk - milk without problems

The SMILK recipe is the result of many years of research into breast milk. Careful laboratory analyzes have allowed us to create a product that will be the first natural choice after breastfeeding. Optimally selected ingredients such as calcium and vitamin D have a positive effect on the child's development. IgG antibodies (Immunoglobulins), which are naturally present in breast milk, protect the baby from pathogens and neutralize toxins in the body.

We offer Infant and Follow-on milk. They are packed in cans of 400 and 900 grams.

Smilk 1 – for newborns and infants and from birth to six months of age,


Smilk 2 for infants from six to twelve months of age,


Smilk 3 for children from one to two years old of age,


Smilk 4 for children over two years of age.


Note! Breastfeeding is the best form of infant nutrition. Therefore, the decision to feed a child with modified milk should be consulted with a specialist in the field of infant and child nutrition.